Archive for March, 2011

I lifted around 3 tonnes today

By my calulations – 180 x 15-18kg blocks. My supervisor said they weighed around that much, and I think there was a bit of variance between the ones at the start and the ones at the end 😉 Also dug a trench and helped with two concrete pours. This job is pretty fun at times. Gonna be getting bowed up soon haha. Leaned a bit about string lines too. Anyway, here’s a vid of my favourite bird.

 Also a pic I took of a spider thing and egg I found when I was taking down ropes the other night after I gave the Bbird a wash.



And some sativa stuff I propagated by cutting for my cert II – I left it in the water for a week and a half I guess, and it grew plenty of roots as well as blooming! Wow 🙂



 And finally, the four books I’m into at the moment.

A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. Very funny and strange epic tragicomedy set in New Orleans. I’ve read it before, but I think it only gets better with repeated reads.

The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook – Whole Foods Recipes for Personal and Planetary Health. Just got this today. I’m excited to get started on it – it has advice for diet/allergies/stocking the pantry and a heap of recipes. Chickpea cooking here we come. For your health! 😉

The Power of Stillness: Learn Meditation in 30 Days – I’m on day 5 I think. I do it before I go to work in the morning, along with yoga/stretching. Seems okay so far.

Goatwalking a Guide to Wildland Living – Spiritual and practical, hard to read but very rewarding. Goats!

Feel free to add any good or similar books you are interested in in the comments 🙂


Ten of the Best Pt 1

Hey. Things are looking good for me, hopefully I’ll have more pictures in the coming weeks and can go into more detail about all that’s going on, and introduce unk. I’ve got a heap of old youtube videos of live shows and cool stuff, so hopefully I can start getting some of that up here in the next few months. Anyway today I dug into the archives and chose ten pictures to post up. I think I’ll try to do that every week. Also, a link to my youtube account (don’t be scared by the name, I had my wisdom teeth out when I signed up) which has a few interesting videos up. My favourites are probably the funeral diner clips, but they may not be for everyone 😉






























