Man’s Search for Meaning Summary


The Meaning of Life

The meaning of life is not an answer, but how we answer the questions that are asked of us by life.

We should answer these questions with good actions.

Each person’s meaning is unique – asking another person for the meaning of life is like asking an expert chess player what the best chess move is. It depends on the situation.

Events in life can be seen as individual frames in a film. How we act in each of these frames connects to all the other frames, and so by each individual action we direct our life in a certain direction, and by the end of our life we will be able to look back at the film of our life and see the greater meaning of our life.

One way to decide the best action is to imagine you have lived your life once before, made the worst choice in every instance, and try to do better with this life.


Suffering can cease to be suffering if we give it meaning. He gives the example of a retired doctor who is bereft at the loss of his wife two years earlier. By giving meaning to his suffering via the revelation that he suffers so that his wife does not, the suffering becomes more bearable.

We should not suffer unnecessarily though – suffering that can be removed should be.


When we have no control over external circumstances, all we can do is control our attitude.

When we are unable to change our situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

How to Live

What matters is to make the best of any situation. Optimism in the face of tragedy:

Turn suffering into achievement and accomplishment. (We should be proud of our suffering rather than ashamed.)

Derive from guilt the opportunity to change oneself for the better.

Derive from death an incentive to take responsible action.


Three ways to derive meaning in life:

Create a work, doing a deed.

Experiencing something, encountering someone – life and love.

Most importantly man must rise above himself, to be proud of his suffering, to consider it ennobling rather than degrading. No point being unhappy and also ashamed of being unhappy.

If we are too free, without any control, then we become a pawn of fate.


There is value in meaning, and dignity, as well as in usefulness, but today’s society focuses on usefulness. (Age vs Youth).

Young have potential and possibility, old have bank of experiences and suffering. Both are valuable and a gift.

A pessimist sees the thickness of the calendar decrease every day, while an optimist neatly stacks the past pages and appreciates them.

Paradoxical Treatment

If you have a neurotic or mentally-linked problem such as nervous sweating or mental-linked sexual dysfunction state your intent to do the opposite of what you want with a sense of humour. ‘I’m going to be king of flaccid cocks and nothing will arouse me.’ This detaches you from the problem, especially humour.

A sleep problem could be having a hyper-intension of wanting to sleep, arising from anticipation of not being able to do so. Challenge self to stay awake harder than a meth head on heat or something, trick your brain.


Our challenge is to be in the good minority that responds to hardship with good action.


My own thought from Frankl mentioning that people in the camps that gave up weren’t bothered by anything:

Being annoyed is the first step towards resolving a problem – if you weren’t annoyed you wouldn’t care, and would just walk away from the problem. Annoyance = investment and dissatisfaction with a problem.




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