Archive for April, 2014


Quarterly Report

I’m at home drinking, which technically I shouldn’t be given that the baby is due any minute, but I’m taking a moment to savour five days of sobriety leading up to this point, as well as my enduring of the in-laws presence which has basically consisted of taking care of everything and cooking amazing Japanese food for my fat arse everyday. Really it’s just a celebration of being home alone for once. I am listening to Laibach – Rossia, a song by modern day Nazis which is nevertheless completely apt considering the current power plays of Russia:

Also losing my mind over this tasty nugget (disgusted by how much that sounded like a Triple J announcer)


Saw The Grand Hotel Budapest or whatever it’s called, pretty sure it wasn’t called The Grand Hotel Sexypest, but you never know. I feel like this is what people seeing Kubrick films at the height of his power must have felt. Feels like being in history knowing you’re seeing a unique genius at the height of their powers. A really cool movie to see.


Report over.

